Monday, February 16, 2009

The Walker

The piece from the Walker that I liked the most was "Untitled" by Shiraga Kazuo. That was the painting that he did with his feet on the canvas. I really like the story behind the painting, although it was kind of sad. The colors are really great. I like how it was mostly red and black with a small section that was nude colored. I feel like that was his way of letting people now that it was loosely based on people, and the atomic bomb. I think it's awesome that he thought to paint it using something other than a paint brush. It's also kind of fitting that he didn't know how the painting would turn out until he was done with it, like we didn't really know what hte reaction was going to be to the atomic bomb.

One of the works of art that I didnt like so much was the 3 videos of a man walking a line backwards, banging on a wall, and leaning over on one leg. I don't know the name of him or the video. The display kind of gave me a headache and I couldn't watch it for very long. It was also hard to focus on the videos individually. My eyes kept going to the center screen, probably because it had audio.

1 comment:

  1. I totally was drawn to Shiraga Kazuo's painting too! However when I saw it right away I was overcome with emotion. Recently my mom found out she had breast cancer. We have a very close relationship. We realized, that having a disease come into your life, unplanned it really takes you on an angry, emotional, rollercoaster. If something totally non related makes you made, you find yourself just freaking out, and you realize it’s your way of dealing with it. I realized I wasn’t myself, and as a painter, I wanted to create a painting that represented how I felt inside. How this disease came in and tore apart me emotionally. When I saw his painting, and hearing his anger with the atomic bombs, I thought maybe that is his way of dealing with what happened to him, and his loved ones. I loved how you pointed out it was cool that he painted with something other than a paint brush. I agree with you!
